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Seven Figure Consultant with Jessica Fearnley

Nov 23, 2020

Do you feel like you are already charging at the maximum level for your industry?

Do you sometimes wonder if your clients respect you? They can be demanding, and dismissive of your input. Sometimes they seek alternative advice even when you’ve discussed it in detail with them.

You never plan to work late but you seem to spend your evenings and weekends checking your work emails on your phone, and then either feeling duty-bound to respond right away or feeling stressed when you don’t reply until the next day.

These are all signs you might be undercharging and overdelivering. It is a huge issue for many of the women consultants I speak to.

This week on the podcast I am talking about what you can do about it.

I talk about:

  • Having blind spots in our business
  • The emotional toll of starting a business
  • Pricing as if you need companies to do you a favour by hiring you
  • Putting professional boundaries in place with your clients
  • How to shift out of a negative mindset

Useful links:

Limited time offer - Video training on How To Attract High Value Clients

Book in for a one-off call with Jessica for help to see the blind spots in your business.

Jessica’s LinkedIn profile