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Seven Figure Consultant with Jessica Fearnley

Feb 27, 2021

Have you been running your consulting business while balancing home-school at the same time? Here in the UK, schools are poised to go back and this intensely difficult phase is coming to an end.

Women have been disproportionately affected by childcare and home-school responsibilities during lockdown, and it’s been more pronounced for self-employed women who have often ended up cutting back their paid work, and then falling through the cracks of the government grants for the self-employed. That may have been the case for you, or it might have impacted your work and home life in other ways.

This week on the podcast, I am talking about growing your consulting business with the kids at home and what we can take from this experience.

I talk about:

  • Making changes in your consulting business
  • The advantage of running your business over a corporate career
  • Wanting to make life perfect for our children
  • The moments that make us the people we are
  • Not being a ‘perfect’ parent

Useful links

Get in touch with Jessica to discuss your consulting business

Jessica’s LinkedIn profile