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Seven Figure Consultant with Jessica Fearnley

Jul 13, 2020

Do you ever feel like the content you see online for people who run their own business, isn’t well suited for you? That even the premium offers, like memberships and group coaching won’t work for you, or aren’t what you want. I speak to female consultants every week that have felt like they don’t fit the female entrepreneur mould. 

In this week’s podcasts I explore why you need to be careful about the content you consume, and the programmes you sign-up to, because as a consultant, you’re running a unique kind of business, including:

  • Why often consultants prefer 1-1 over group coaching (and how to know which is a better fit for you)
  • Why the wealth of free marketing advice out there isn’t suited to you and your business model
  • The reason hanging out in online networking groups can make you feel uncomfortable.