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Seven Figure Consultant with Jessica Fearnley

Jan 28, 2020

It’s not about the money - key motivators for women as we build our businesses.

So often, when women hit the six-figure income mark, and look to stretch themselves to the next level, this is an area where all kinds of mindset issues can come into play.

Shouldn’t it be enough to go for 6 figures, why do I want to...

Jan 21, 2020

As women who are self-employed and independent workers, we have SO MUCH freedom. I have always said this from the moment I started my business 5 years ago. We have so much choice but it is hard to embrace that and actually choose the things in the short-term that add up to the things we want in the long term.

As we head...

Jan 14, 2020

When I’ve started talking about the issue of the gender pay gap for consultants, lots of women have said they didn’t realise this was a thing. We all hear about the gender pay gap for employed women, and that’s across the board from low paid jobs to corporate career jobs.

In this episode I’m talking more about...

Jan 7, 2020

At the end of the year I like to do a big review and reflection on how my business has been doing during the year. And how I’ve been doing.

I use those reflections to create an even better plan for the business in the year to come. I refer to it as my business ‘super plan’, because when I go through the process I...