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Seven Figure Consultant with Jessica Fearnley

Jul 27, 2020

Last week I had two separate conversations where basically the same question was being asked. And I realised this is totally something that other women consultants will want to hear the answers to, so I’ve recorded this podcast episode.

The question that came up was ‘how can I plan for anything in my business at the...

Jul 20, 2020

There are some misconceptions around building, and having, a seven figure consulting business.

There are so many things that can affect our mindset in the area of business and money, and talking about a business with a turnover more than 1 million each year can open up all kinds of related issues around identity,...

Jul 13, 2020

Do you ever feel like the content you see online for people who run their own business, isn’t well suited for you? That even the premium offers, like memberships and group coaching won’t work for you, or aren’t what you want. I speak to female consultants every week that have felt like they don’t fit the female...

Jul 6, 2020

Everyone would benefit from having a business coach.

You should have a business coach all the time.

You should choose a coach with the opposite personality type to your own.

These are just a few myths around business coaching that I get asked about.

In this week’s podcast I’m addressing these, and exploring how you...